"When Miguel De Icaza spoke at the 2000 Ottawa Linux Symposium, he opened his talk with a blunt message, "Let's make Unix not suck."(McAllister, 2004)
Miguel De Icaza can make such a statement because he is one of the main founders of Gnome, which is a GUI that is widely accepted and used in different distributions of Linux. His idea is that we need to use concepts that are already familiar to computer users, but just make those concepts better.
With dedicated programmers such as this you may wonder why they are having what they created open-source or essentially free to the public to use. The reason for this is that they are helping create a standard amongst developers and programmers to create systems for the benefit of all users.
This can be seen widely through all of the forums that are available on how to use Linux distributions. There are many discussions on how to fix security issues that may exist as well as different bugs and errors that they have come across while using Linux. With so many eyes looking at what is going into making Linux better there are not many major security issues as there are with Window's products. Usually when a security issue is found by someone outside of Microsoft Windows Development team they will exploit the security vulnerability and the issue may not be found by Microsoft for many months. Security issues with Linux are more easily detected and then are fixed sooner, making it more secure and a better option for those who do not like Microsoft operating systems.
McAllister, N. (2004). Open source's usability champion narrows the gap between linux and windows. InfoWorld, 26(21), 52-53. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=13196091&site=ehost-live&scope=site
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